Saturday, November 27, 2010

Way of the Puck Review Pending!

Way of the Puck Promotional Button
Eric Anderson, director of Way of the Puck:  a documentary of professional air hockey...Really kindly sent me a review copy of the final release of the piece on DVD.  A few years back, I was a test audience for the movie thanks to Middlebrow, so I do have a memory of that version with which to compare.  The test version was quite good, mind you, but I am interested to see how Eric has shaped the final form, and how he worked out the conclusion.

I was away for a long while for working purposes, so it was rather nice coming back late Tuesday night to find the DVD in my mail box.   Along with the DVD was a promotion pin which I shall place on my disc bowling bag, since I have no air hockey back and air hockey is more akin to bowling in quirky commonplace than is, say, golf.

I've been having too much of a holiday to view the film yet, but I have hopes to watch it tomorrow during our next blizzard(non-blizzard) here in Salt Lake City.  I will tease you with the lead that I know I am going to use in the review:  "how air hockey killed Santa Claus."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

After the storm #2

After the storm #2
Originally uploaded by Clint Gardner

It is interesting to watch people's mass panic from 1200 miles away.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Now that's one heck of a poem

Poor Sean Day...I think the bill collectors are after him/her.

What an odd thing to say at the end. I assume that the whole thing is recorded on their end too.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Originally uploaded by Clint Gardner

While I was in Baltimore, we had the opportunity to visit the Visionary Arts Museum. The VAM is a collection of mostly outsider art. Baltimore likes to celebrate its weirdness, you see, rather than hide it.

Monday, November 08, 2010

"Put your hands in the air!"

"Put your hands in the air!"
Originally uploaded by catinlap

"The novel is a genre that eats other genres." --Michael Berube.

Monday, November 01, 2010

An entertaining alternative to laundry

Kansas City kids exercising from American Memory, by the way.