Tuesday, October 27, 2009

To the left! Cha! To the right! Cha!

If I weren't traveling this year for Hallowe'en (again) I'd definitely go as Rick Astley's dance moves.

It is kind of a reverse River Dance, don't you think? What he lacks downstairs he certainly makes up for with those damn flashy hand movements.

To the left! Cha! To the right! Cha! Palms down with side to side movement for "never gonna desert you!"


As my old Irish friend Elaine said when this video came out way back when I and the world was young: "Pooooor Rick Asslay!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ghost Spotting

Ghost Spotting
Originally uploaded by Theorris

On Saturday Christine & Eric, (at Awen Blog and a couple of other folks went ghost spotting at the Fort Douglas Cemetery in Salt Lake City.

I'm not sure, but I think I see something in the left middle of this picture. More information about the phenomenon can be found in this YouTube video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI

Thursday, October 22, 2009

You Will Love Me

You Will Love Me
Originally uploaded by Theorris

How self-centered flowers are. What egotists!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

365 Day Project : I'm Out of here! or Don't Let That Door Smack You in the Ass

365/365: I'm Out of here!
Originally uploaded by Theorris

I intimated previously on flickr that my last picture for the accursed 365 day project wouldn't be anything special or any more thought out than any of the other ones. My impetus for thinking or plotting these 365 day pictures flagged within the first week or so. It was much less stressful and actually more fun just to snap a picture from a moment's inspiration. That's why, as well, there are mostly camera phone shots. It seems like a huge waste of time to gussy these 365 things up.

Anyway--it was sort of fun and I will never do anything like this again. You will also not see a self portrait of me for some freaking time.

I spent my commute in this morning thinking of what new photo projects I want to take on, now that this beast is behind me. I am still thinking about using the Shipler collection housed by the Utah Historical Society. The Shipler family took photos around SLC from the late 19th century until the mid-20th century. My idea is to figure out wherever the photographer took them from and re-image them to show what's happened. I've tinkered with it a bit in flicker in the past, but nothing spectacular emerged. (I took pictures of the 11th East corner before the nimrod tore it down, and compared it to the Shipler photos.)

Or I might just go for a 730 Day self portrait project!

Yeah right.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Evening Drive

Evening Drive
Originally uploaded by Theorris

Driving by Sugar House park in Salt Lake City is pure pleasure. Too bad most people don't even notice it in their steel cocoons.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Interview project

David Lynch is sponsoring The Interview Project which appears to be filmed by his son (among others). It is stunningly good.

When I first saw the project I assumed they were just going to go around mocking "weird America," given its connection to David Lynch. I was surprised that the depiction is not only not mocking even in the slightest, but treats its subjects with respect, no matter how wacky or mundane. These are more than interviews--they are long photographs.

The interview with Brenda Wray was one of the hardest ones to watch. The interview with Clara, despite its seeming mundaneness, is one of the most inspiring.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

This modern life

This modern life
Originally uploaded by Theorris

The amount of fruit that goes un-harvested in my neighborhood is scandalous. Not far from where I took this shot there is a wonderfully endowed pear tree, heavy-laden with the fruit of a fine summer. Most of it too has fallen to the ground, unpreserved, only later to be scooped up by shovels and thrown into the trash.

Friday, October 02, 2009

And so it begins

Originally uploaded by Theorris

Well it is that time of year again: the start of basketball season. Utah played Denver and waxed the floor with them--108 to 87 last night. Preseason, of course means nothing, but it is good to see the Jazz off to this kind of start.

It is going to take a great deal of work, of course, for the Jazz to get back to the height of the Stockton/Malone era. Perhaps the statues out front of the Meltdown Center will finally work some magic after years of some pretty mundane play.

With Collins gone, I'm not sure I'm going to have an Ostertag to bitch about this year, other than aiming that at the poor besotted Boozer.

In a weird, pre-season bit of coincidence, former Running Ute Pace Manion, who is currently a rather stiff Utah Jazz commentator along with the non-stiff Thurl Bailey, was in the Apple Genius Bar line in front of me yesterday. I was just working out that it was him when the Genius approached and said "Pace? What's your problem?"

I left it at that.