Thursday, April 19, 2007

The great post of woe and intrigue

Ok, I've been through a fair number of romantic relationships in my time, but I've just experienced a new one: I've been pre-dumped. Basically that is when you like someone and she seems to like you but before you can screw up the courage to ask her out, she snips you right out of her life. Details! Details! I hear you clamor. Give us details of this non-salacious un-relationship! (We even had a talk about said un-Relationship--capital R and all).

Sorry, I don't not kiss and tell.


  1. dammit, you _owe_ us the details. I'm not sure why, but I am sure you _owe_ us the details!

  2. No! I say. All you get is bad jokes!

  3. pre-dump: save time and cut out the middle man.

  4. bad jokes don't butter no biscuits.

  5. Biscuits are tasty without butter.
