Thursday, February 22, 2007

Middlebrow is upset

Middlebrow is upset
Originally uploaded by Theorris.

Blogfest/flickrfest 2007 has achieved the full satisfaction that one can expect.

I bowled horribly.

Middlebrow, despite this picture bowled well.

Surprise stars of the night were The Historian (q.v. Hightouch Megastore) and The Croin, who is having an MRI as I speak due to a very quirky pupil, and I'm not talking about the student kind.

TEAM ENGLISH showed rather well, despite my poor performance. Dr. Write and Hightouch kicked ass, and Running Son has a spinner that is none to compare.

Shamed, I am.



Don't make me stop this car and turn around.

I will.

Don't test me!

I will!

Let's go bowling and get some fries.


  1. I thank Captain Fireball. Captain Fireball giveth, and Captain Fireball taketh away.

  2. Yeah I still don't have the feel for the Captain yet. I need to go bowling again. Today. Right now.

  3. If by "kicked ass" you mean "averaged 62," then I totally kicked ass. Also, were there fries? Because fries would have really put the final touch on a splendid evening, in my humble opinion.

  4. Sorry I missed the festivities! Surely if I had been there Team English would have really kicked ass!

  5. What a photo of MB! I think you should print it out and post it in the WC.
