Issue 57: here's an equivocator that could swear in both the scales against either scale
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Solomon's Seal?
Solomon's Seal?, originally uploaded by Theorris.
I'm not sure if this really is solomon's seal or not. In any case the flower heads are great.
Sugarloaf and Pine Grove
You can see the meadow between the pines, looking up towards Sugarloaf mountain.
I can't remember this plant's name. It is something like jackass flower (I'm not kidding.) My old girlfriend Mary told me what it was.
Indian Paintbrush
I went up to Albion Basin and trekked around yesterday. The light was not the greatest, but the wildflowers were.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
This goes into the "never again" file Stop whining
And Jeff didn't get any of his art featured. That really sucks. The FHM calendar didn't even make it. What a waste.
Update: (7/29/06) I sound bitter. Actually it was a good experience and Kim did a great job with the article.
Salt Lake Tribune - Tour de France winner flunks drug test
"LONDON - Tour de France champion Floyd Landis tested positive for high levels of testosterone during the race, his Phonak team said Thursday on its Web site.
The statement came a day after the UCI, cycling's world governing body, said an unidentified rider had failed a drug test during the Tour.
And the statement came just four days after Landis stood on the victory podium on the Champs-Elysees, succeeding seven-time winner Lance Armstrong as an American winner in Paris. "
Oy. He just needs to go on tour with Barry Bonds and Hulk Hogan now. They can call themselves Champions of the Roid Rage. Something like that.
Where are the good old days when athlete's were just heavy drinking, hard gambling, prostitute chasing, good old all American sonsuhbitches?
Weekend at Bernie's
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
"High Brow Meets Low Brow in Sugarhouse Home"
It doesn't look like all the pictures are showing up online. Oh well.
I suppose it is not all that embarassing. At least I got a clean bedroom out of it. Jeff's bedroom is always clean so I guess he got free publicity for his art.
I'm glad she mentioned Derek Mellus's cool box, even if it doesn't show up online (click on the link to see it, however)
By the way, does the combination of high brow and low brow mean that I'm middle brow? Middlebrow, what do you think?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
X-mas in July: a blank verse sonnet based on an off-hand comment
Santa as a fraud. When I was 9 my dad
Took me shopping to Big V at X-mas
He bought the sweetest air hockey table,
And I glared at it in its cardboard box.
When I asked him what that was for he said
"It is from Santa Claus to your brother."
I tell you I've had many moments in
My life of utter disappointment and
Disillusionment, but nothing matches
The feelings of emptiness, rejection
And fear that I felt on that ride home one
Snowy December afternoon in my
Dad's fifty three Ford Power King pickup.
"Leave me alone. It is too damn hot."
He has been letting me know all morning that it is too hot. How does he do that? Continual catterwauling interlaced with flopping around the table.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
"YE GODS!*" as my mother would exclaim
Basements rule.
*By the way, I have no idea where my mother would come by such a pagan expression, being a Daughter of the Utah Pioneers that she was, but she would regularly express it when things were opressive.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Disc Golf Anyone?
The park, as you can see, is terribly over-watered. I believe that the water they use, however, is pretty much only designated for Sugarhouse Park and when it runs out the park gets no more water. I am not 100% certain of this. If you wander through any part of Sugarhouse Park, however, you will note that the grass is pretty much soggy a lot of the time. This differs markedly from the park just down the way (Fairmont) which is not over-watered (or even moderately-watered).
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
From the only in Utah desk
Run with the GoddessesEventhough I suppose they are referring to Greek gods, I could paint myself blue and go as Rama, but that might be sacreligious. Then again Hindus do dress up as Hanuman. Hanuman would be far more fun. He's a monkey and can leap like the dickens.
A sprinkle of goose feathers, a dash of creek, roll in a coat of dirt, kick a little trail running butt, and you have a divine race.
XTERRA Utah Scramble presents a trail run to benefit Avalon Isle, Women’s Theatre Group.
Who: From beginning runners to elite athletes, all ages
What: 10k and 5k races – Dress up like your favorite God or Goddess! Prizes will be awarded for best costume.
When: Saturday, July 29th, 9:00 a.m.
Where: Wheeler Historic Farm, 6351 South 900 East
Don’t like to run but still want to donate; you may donate to Avalon Isle at the above website. Questions about Avalon Isle, contact Candace at
For more information about the race see or email
Avalon Isle is dedicated to creating feminist theatre. Our purpose is to offer feminists an opportunity to express their voice through performance art. Avalon Isle welcomes all men and women who support these goals.
Do you think anyone will have the chutzpa to show up as Jesus?
Yeah, they will. This is Utah, after all and people show up regularly in what some might term sacreligious garb. I expect some heavenly mothers, too.
From the you thought you've seen everything desk
Speaking of gooftatic flash animations, I had to take Miss Manners off yesterday as she is taking up too much of my meagre Comcast-endowed space. She had lost her appeal, however, as her second episode crashed and burned in the Nielsons.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Side-yard parties to be expected. 75% chance of seeing cobalt hour.
I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
A while ago, I related to you a brush with alt-rock fame when my buddy Jeff and I ran into the lead singer of The Eagles of Death Metal out in front of the Depot in SLC. Jeff caught this on his cell phone during the show and I put it together as a sort of memento. Dumb, I know, but I needed to put something on the Youtube thinger.
Friday, July 14, 2006
15 minutes of fame
I'm too sexy for my fur, too sexy for my fur, I'll make you purr
Built to Spill
Melon Grab has some pictures and thoughts on last night Built to Spill show.
Once again BtS put on a great show.
Time for real change
With your help I have gone from last to third place in Barbara Boxer's PAC for a Change contest. On Tuesday I dropped to fourth place due to a feisty Claire McCaskill going to number one.
We can win this contest. It takes less than 30 seconds for you to register your vote. Please DO IT NOW!
You really should go vote for Pete. Go to his page and take a look at the funds he has on hand and then think about what that means. Note that he has taken no PAC money. Note that all his funds are raised on his own. Don't think for a minute that smug Hollywood Hatch is not beatable. Moss had very much the same smug attitude when Hatch beat him back in the 70s. Arn is beatble and he is definitely the wrong person for the job.
Pete is the guy that is going to put him out of a job. Now go make sure he gets more support to do that.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
PoMo Image Conscious Blues(Chair)
"We bought this house because we thought it had potential," Rousculp said.So my journalist friend is coming by tomorrow early evening to conduct the house tour she completed last week with my friend Tif (of the article quoted above.) It was interesting seeing Tif and Chris's stuff splayed out in the tabloid. My old girlfriend had a hand in painting the mural they are standing in front of in one of the pictures. I've tripped over that Tijuana phallic sculputre. I remember exactly when Tif stripped those stairs. I'm glad she decided to leave them like they are. See that's the problem: Tif is cool. She has great taste. I, however, don't have much to show for myself other than a few pieces of art I've picked up over the years; odd hats, action figures, funky computer equipment going back to the 80's that would make Terry Gilliam jealous, and books--oh so many, many books.
I was telling Middlebrow today that I have no idea what I will show her as I consider myself one of the most boring persons on the planet. He laughed at that. I wasn't serious, of course, but I do wonder now what in the hell is going to be very interesting about the Wilhelm. Undoubtedly the action figures will play a big role in the piece that features my and housemate's furnishings. He's the one that has the cool stuff and his paintings are killer. His paintings, in fact, cover the place, except for those few pieces I've picked up on my own.
Art or action toys? Hats or books? Seriousness or humor. God I feel like I'm being analyzed on the proverbial Freudian couch.
I have fantasized about conducting the entire interview in the gimp room downstairs. The gimp room is the closet-like room in the basement under the stairs. It is a great space and contains a can openner. I have also fantasized about conducting the interview in the fashion of Ozzie Osbourne did in the 80's for MTV. Basically he was hammered or acting hammered and passed out on everything--smashing things or knocking things to the floor.
Damn I wish I were a rock star. Being in my humble profession, however, I don't think such behavior would be approved of. I also imagine my ancient aunts peering over their papers and screeching to their dozing husbands "DEAR GOD LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED TO SHIRLEY'S BOY!" Not, of course, that my ancient aunts will ever see this hip and trendy tabloid even if it is put out by the stodgy old SLTrib.
I suppose there is something to be said about renting as opposed to buying--its benefits and its pitfalls. I will say that my current lanlord is the best I've ever had, so I wouldn't shit talk him at all in the press. Now my last one: I can shit talk him no end and I still wouldn't feel satisfied. I could also talk about my car-less lifestyle by choice, but that just sounds too preachy.
Ah I forgot about the PoMo blue chair. Yes the PoMo blue chair is always a big hit. I'll have to show you all the PoMo blue chair some time.
Okay, okay, you twisted my arm: here it is. The PoMo blue chair:
Shake! Shake! Shake!
I wish I really could shake my booty like that.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Straight out of the UK
The book is divided between Dave's desperate life in modern-day London and a distant future where the natives of flooded-out London speak a taxi-driver/l337 dialect and live their lives (or so I've gathered) based on the rants of Dave. The men and the women, for example, live separately simply because Dave and his wife are acrimoniously divorced. Dave, as well, is said to be watching from his "rearview" or "mirra" where he sees everything that the "fares" do.
So far the novel is just as interesting and inventive as I expected. I'm puzzling out, however, what the relationship is going to be between Dave and the people he has inspired in the future. Are they working out some sort of misogynist society or will that be over thrown by the more rebellious people of "Ham" who seem to violate Dave's "rules" to their own peril. Will Dave himself ever reconcile his problems with women?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ticket to what you need
According to my last-fm account it seems I've listened to a lot of Badly Drawn Boy this week. 50 cuts. The player was on shuffle and it hit "I Was Wrong" from Have You Fed the Fish? and of course I had to hear "You Were Right" which follows on the heels of "I Was Wrong." The songs on that CD are integrated so well that you don't really want to hear one without the other. Then of course this lead to listening to one the other albums The Hour Of The Bewilderbeast and One Plus One Is One.
In all I like Gough's experimentation with structure, melody, and lyrics--although I think all three tend to diminish some of the songs occasionally. In any case lyrically the songs explore the same territory that his sound does; they seem to be mundane but build up to a complexity that is quite compelling:
And IA seemingly appropriate self-centered bit of rock and roll, but then (following an appropriate shift out of the pining chorus of "Sometimes it's hard to love someone"):
Was rushing round in circles
For a reason to belive
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
You could follow me for weeks
And I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
Until the day that they are gone
And I
Just had a dream the other night
I was married to the queen
And Madonna lived next door
I think she took a shine to me
And the kids were all grown up
But I had to turn her down
'Cos I was still in love with you
Aside from the slight confusion of who the singer is in love with, the mashing of Madonna and the Queen moves this song out of a sort of solipsistic exploration of existential angst into a exploration of pop culture and a participation in it--not only as a listener, but as a singer.
But that doesn't really matter because this refrain and the ones that follow it where the singer "gets Madonna tickets to what she needs" and the next refrain following an interlude which recounts the deaths of various pop (and not so pop) stars such as Sinatra, Jeff Buckley, Cobain, and Lennon establish that the singer of the song is stuck on the notion of being a pop star at the expense of a "ticket to what he needs." Witness the refrain that follows:
And IThere is movement in the song of growth, of course, but it is a negative sort of growth; one learns and that learning somehow doesn't cause one to move forward, but causes one to become more holed up: more wrong, as it were. The song, of course, is not without hope. Ultimately I think it is a song in which the singer realizes his situation in life what it is to be human. It is not degrading, but a sort of waking up out of idealistic or exuberant childhood where everything seems to be possible. Once life beats one down, it would seem, life appears to be less-full of potential, but you sort of muck on anyway.
Was busy finding answers while
You just got on with real life
Always hoped you'd be my wife
But I never found the time
For questions to arrive
I just disguised it in a song
And songs
Are never quite the answer
Just a soundtrack to a life
That is over all too soon
Helps to turn the days to night
While I was wrong and you were right (Badly Drawn Boy - "You Were Right")
Now is that necesarrily negative? Is becoming aware a negative thing? Well folks do point out that the smarter one is the more likely one is to become depressed or "unhappy." Ignorance is bliss, right? I think what makes artists Gough appealing to me is his insistence on a reality and not glossing over things and making them hap-dam-pappy for the prettiness of it all. (Think of the end of The Sun Also Rises when Jake tells Brett "Wouldn't it be pretty to think so.") Is that dark? Is that depressing? Is that limiting of life's possibilities? Sure, but we're all consigned to it. That does not make life not worth living, however, nor interesting. It makes it real and not fantastical or even melodramatic. I'd rather be in a world with problems and struggles than a world where everything is plasticoated and all-so-perfect. We might be trapped in this decrepit world, but like Dylan Thomas says "I sang in my chains like the sea." It is pretty much all we got going for us: so sing.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Johnny crow would dig and sew
Jalapeno up close
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
I grabbed a four pack of jalapenos at the store a couple of months ago. All four seem to be doing ok in their pot and have set fruit. Rock it.
I'm a pretty bad gardener (now that's a bad pun, I'll admit), over all, but this year I seem to be paying more attention to little things like watering plants before the collapse into straw-colored dust.
I'm looking forward to putting these peppers in the most freakishly hot curry that you can imagine. Home grown peppers by far outrank the over-watered (and therefore mellowed out) supermarket variety.
The East forty
The East forty
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
This and another 2 pots are my garden. Funky for a kid who grew up on a farm.
Fruit on the vine
Fruit on the vine
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
My tomato is doing pretty good despite its small pot. It has twelve fruits.
Ms. Productive
Ms. Productive
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
Or should that be Mrs. productive? I shudder to think that my tomato is procreating without a license.
Friday, July 07, 2006
This sprig's for you
"A sprig of parsley can provide much more than a decoration on your plate. Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits. The first type is volatile oil components - including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The second type is flavonoids - including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin." (The World's Healthiest Foods: Parsley)
Sprig is a great word even when not connected to the estimable parsley.
Like a Democratic Christmas in July
Life is tough when you have tens of thousands of dollars sitting around or when you're confronting a behemoth incumbent like Senator Orrin Hatch. Those are the predicaments that Senator Barbara Boxer (her PAC for a Change, that is) and Pete Ashdown find themselves respectively in.
Here's how you can help them: Go to candidate voting page of Senator Boxer's PAC and vote for Pete Ashdown. If he wins, Senator Boxer can unload her excess money on Ashdown's campaign. It's a win-win situation.
SLCSpin and Utah Democrats have already done their part to help these two politicians. (Orbiter Dicta, Pete Ashdown and Senator Barbara Boxer need you help)
I voted for Pete to get the money.
Update: Steve has an important correction on Orbiter Dicta (q.v.) The money from Boxer's campaign apparently doesn't go directly to the candidate who wins, but he or she will gain free publicity from it.
Michael Franti and Spearhead
Michael Ferante and Spearhead
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
At the Gallivan Twilight Concert Series.
Update: Dan Nailen has a review complete with links and shit.Thursday, July 06, 2006
From the running around waving your hands in the air frantically desk
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
creative ape, indeed
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July
Monday, July 03, 2006
My hobby seems to be paying off in attention, however, as my stuff has been picked 3 times for various things over the last 6 months. Now one of them is kind of an inside job in that Lis over at Assertively Unhip used some of my photos for a writing contest/whatever at the SLCC Community Writing Center. I see that the contest deadline is 1 August 2006.
The second honor was completely out of the blue. A French publisher contacted me about using this spiral jetty/Great Salt Lake picture for some new atlas they are making. Supposedly it comes out in the fall.
The third honor is some online do-hickey called Schmap. They chose a picture that I took of the Delta Center sometime last winter.
I have a creative common license on all these and don't care if folks use them for non-commercial purposes, but I also granted the last two companies the right to use them for commercial purposes. Their products seem ok. I probably should have demanded compensation beyond just receiving copies of said publications, but being an academic that's the kind of compensation I'm used to, I guess. The question is--do I put it on my vitae?
File this whole thing under self-indulgence, I think.
Pine grove
Pine grove
Originally uploaded by Theorris.
Being in a pine forest in the mountains of Utah causes one to go hyperbolic: I was contemplating writing an extreme statement such as "there is nothing comparable to being in a pine forest in the mountains of Utah on a hot summer day." While the experience is quite nice, I bet there is something to compare to it.
In any case: eat your heart out flatlanders!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
"Who Killed the Electric Car?"
Sadly, I will be unable to see Who Killed the Electric Car in good old car-obsessed Utah. Oh well. I'll just drive down to the WalMart and get myself some cheap crap at low low prices.
Fuck that shit.
Update: I just wrote the following to Tori Baker of the Salt Lake Film Society (they run the Tower and the Broadway theaters in SLC.)
I wonder if there is anyway of bringing Who Killed the Electric Car to SLC? ( The movie was featured on NPR's Science Friday yesterday. Sadly I noted that it is not playing anywhere in Utah.
Keep up the great work. I really enjoy going to the Broadway and the Tower.
--[Theorris Boonasty]
I encourage you to write to the SL Film Society too if you are at all interested in seeing the movie play in Utah. Here is Tori's email address:
Update 2 (3 July 2006):
Good news, sort of....
Keep an eye on our website and e-mails we're trying to get this film, but I'm not sure if Sony is going to sell it to us.
"Take on the grand themes in the grand manner"
In the question and answer portion of the podcast (episode 4 on the web site), Self discusses how he believe religion develops and how religions are often used to make people do things they aren't inherently inclined to do. He also discusses his writing process and making it as a writer.
The books isn't available in bookstores outside of Britain yet (as far as I can see--I looked it up: it isn't going to be in US bookstores until November). I'm probably going to just by it straight from Penguin.
Update: Bah!
Unfortunately, as you are a customer from the USA we are not allowed to sell to you. However, if you click here you will be redirected to the Penguin Group (US) who will be delighted to help you.Asshats. I blame the gov'ment!
Update 2: BWAHAHAH! Thank you
Thank you for your order.
We will send you an e-mail confirmation shortly.