Monday, January 23, 2006


So karmaking (a.k.a housemate with an yen for travel and teaching) has trotted the globe and will be teaching in S. Korea for at least a year. He left on Sunday, leaving behind his bed and various sundry items about the house that we are dutifully collecting in a cardboard box. Well we did not collect his bed in a cardboard box, but left it where it was to serve as a guest bedroom for sundry guests who visit Chez Wilhelm. The cat has currently taken over the room, although by his plaintive mewling it is clear he misses the king. The king, by the way, was due to arrive in Seoul at 8:00 pm local time on Monday. Since it is now 3:26 am, I assume he got there several hours ago and is in full-blown jet lag.

KK's leaving on the same day as my birthday kind of threw that onto the back burner. I mean my hell you have a birthday once a year, but most folks only leave to go teach in Korea once in a life time.


  1. happy birthday! too bad it got sent to the back burner, but don't worry--you'll get older next year.

  2. I miss y'all already. Will the cat be paying rent for the room?

  3. Yes. He's already made several deposits.

  4. Good luck in Seoul, Karmaking. You will have a great time!

  5. Deposits! heh heh heh.

    by the way, the word verification word is qqddufi. Is that an alternate spelling for the leader of Libya, or am I on drugs?

  6. Thanks for the encouragement E and I'm glad to hear that the cat is funding his up-keep SN.
