- Kendrakoo has written a poem about being a woman.
- Sleepy E came close to a fist fight outside of Atlanta.
- Mid-B remembers Breaking Away.
- Ron of Counterintuitive is stuck in the looming semester.
- lisa b contemplates silence and child rearing.
- Cordelia illustrates a junk house.
- Snyder got married.
- lis wants to see hip studies in cultural studies classes.
- Dr. Write is stuck contemplating running.
- Charkes is very stuck illustrating dam hoses.
- Kim wonders about Cher fans.
- catinlap shares his cell phone pics.
- Jenny has been busy with her new digs and what not, but gives up the pictures of the afore-mentioned Snyder's nuptuals.
- the bunny has some knitting to do.
- D-Lo gives us a poem about beauty.
- I've given you a blogacious round up.
Issue 57: here's an equivocator that could swear in both the scales against either scale
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Blogacious commentator round up
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Drifting out of reach
Here's something for your end-of-summer depression.
I am pretty sure that all the people depicted in it are dead.
I am pretty sure that all the people depicted in it are dead.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Saturday Morning Biases
I sit on the grass on the north side of campus as the Republicans drive by. Some have incredibly expensive cars, others have cars that are worse for wear: minivans and trucks dirty with the high desert summer. The dude who drove by in his forest green Jag knows he is something special. You can tell by the way he has his head thrown back. I wonder what sins he has committed to get that wealth. Excessive wealth, unless you are very lucky, always seems to be linked in some way with immoral or unethical actions. I know no such thing of this anonymous man, however, but have a predilection against him. Something about his need to show off his wealth goads me into thinking ill of him. Somewhere down deep in my psyche hides a judgmental Puritan who suspects all such extravagant wealth as ill-gotten.
The Republicans are here for their Fall convention, I assume, and I am here because I left something in my office that I will need this weekend. So I sit and wait for the bus and watch the Republicans (all clean-cut men in their 50s as far as I have seen) pass me by in their cars looking confused, uncertain where to park. I catch most of them staring at me as I sit here on the grass with my computer. No doubt I look younger than I am so I might pass for a student, but somehow I doubt that. Age has begun to show on me, I think. Any sense of condescension on their part could be equaled by my own condescension towards them: get out of your fucking car and walk, fat cat is my first response to their supposed prejudice against me and my fetish against driving and for mass-transport. Of course it is more likely that they think I am poor or down on my luck like so many who ride the bus. Somehow I don't think they would have much sympathy for the poor folks who ride the bus, what with the all-American drive to prove yourself through wealth and hard work. No doubt they would think that anyone who rides the bus is poor and therefore lazy. I wonder when they will realize that there is only a tenuous link between hard work and wealth? I wonder when they will realize that the meretricious society they lie to themselves about is just a fantasy fed to them to keep them working hard for that guy in the forest green Jaguar?
No doubt they are thinking no such things. I'm sure all they are thinking is where the hell do I park and why the hell have taxes paid for all this.
"Excuse me!" I am interrupted by a woman in a red blazer driving a champagne Cadillac who has pulled to the middle of the road to ask me a question. She is the first woman I have seen and sports a magnificent grey beehive hairdo.
"Yes?" I ask removing my earphones.
"Do you know where the auditorium is?" Immediately I know part of the woman's story. She has never been to college or she would know that college campuses have dozens of auditoriums spread around campus.
"If you mean the Lifetime Activities Center," (I use the fancy name for the gym thinking that the term might strike a chord with her) "it is over there," and I point in the general direction of where the GOP Convention parking signs lead. I assume they are all in the gym, convention away--making speeches against same sex marriage and for freedom and against the evils of a permissive society and against government intervention and how we need to put more money into our precious roads and against taxes, always against taxes. How people can easily deal with contradictions is just plain fascinating.
"Is that the auditorium?"
"No its the gym, but I think that's where you are all at."
She, however, has started to ignore me since I obviously am not going to confirm her mistaken terminology and pulls back into traffic cutting off a fellow Republican behind her. He honks at her and looks angry. She is oblivious. I wonder if they will exchange words on the convention floor.
The Republicans are here for their Fall convention, I assume, and I am here because I left something in my office that I will need this weekend. So I sit and wait for the bus and watch the Republicans (all clean-cut men in their 50s as far as I have seen) pass me by in their cars looking confused, uncertain where to park. I catch most of them staring at me as I sit here on the grass with my computer. No doubt I look younger than I am so I might pass for a student, but somehow I doubt that. Age has begun to show on me, I think. Any sense of condescension on their part could be equaled by my own condescension towards them: get out of your fucking car and walk, fat cat is my first response to their supposed prejudice against me and my fetish against driving and for mass-transport. Of course it is more likely that they think I am poor or down on my luck like so many who ride the bus. Somehow I don't think they would have much sympathy for the poor folks who ride the bus, what with the all-American drive to prove yourself through wealth and hard work. No doubt they would think that anyone who rides the bus is poor and therefore lazy. I wonder when they will realize that there is only a tenuous link between hard work and wealth? I wonder when they will realize that the meretricious society they lie to themselves about is just a fantasy fed to them to keep them working hard for that guy in the forest green Jaguar?
No doubt they are thinking no such things. I'm sure all they are thinking is where the hell do I park and why the hell have taxes paid for all this.
"Excuse me!" I am interrupted by a woman in a red blazer driving a champagne Cadillac who has pulled to the middle of the road to ask me a question. She is the first woman I have seen and sports a magnificent grey beehive hairdo.
"Yes?" I ask removing my earphones.
"Do you know where the auditorium is?" Immediately I know part of the woman's story. She has never been to college or she would know that college campuses have dozens of auditoriums spread around campus.
"If you mean the Lifetime Activities Center," (I use the fancy name for the gym thinking that the term might strike a chord with her) "it is over there," and I point in the general direction of where the GOP Convention parking signs lead. I assume they are all in the gym, convention away--making speeches against same sex marriage and for freedom and against the evils of a permissive society and against government intervention and how we need to put more money into our precious roads and against taxes, always against taxes. How people can easily deal with contradictions is just plain fascinating.
"Is that the auditorium?"
"No its the gym, but I think that's where you are all at."
She, however, has started to ignore me since I obviously am not going to confirm her mistaken terminology and pulls back into traffic cutting off a fellow Republican behind her. He honks at her and looks angry. She is oblivious. I wonder if they will exchange words on the convention floor.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Random thoughts while in the shower mostly not about fighting grizzlies
- I have never properly appreciated the music of Pat Benatar.
- Contacts are easier to put in after a shower.
- Benatar has a lot to make up for with "Hit Me With Your Best Shot."
- Is "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" about a physically abusive relationship?
- Why is the phrase "Bitch Factor Zero" funny? Is it akin to "Mother's Sanctity Grip?"
- I still think I could fight a grizzly bear and win.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Wuthering wuthering wuthering
Ok women readers of Signifying nothing: What's up with Heathcliff?
Male readers: What's up with Cathy?
Everyone: what the hell does wuthering mean anyway?
Next post: What the hell is up with Rochester?/Jane Eyre?/Reader I married him?
Oh yeah: Kate Bush.
Male readers: What's up with Cathy?
Everyone: what the hell does wuthering mean anyway?
Next post: What the hell is up with Rochester?/Jane Eyre?/Reader I married him?
Oh yeah: Kate Bush.
Its the end of summer as we know it
All my bloggity teaching friends are making me anxious what with all their posts bemoaning the end of summer (as we know it)---here---here---here. I know the feeling quite well, but as I work in the summer I don't feel it quite the way I used to. The end of summer used to seem like reckoning time: when reality hit for all one's great plans and you had to set them aside. Being that I only had 2 weeks of pure freedom this year, I was amazed at how enthused I am to be back at work. I entered by 2 weeks, however, with no major plans and accomplished all of them and more! Woot!
Some time ago I broke the school-year anxiety cycle. There are benefits to working a 12 month contract, after all. It can still creep back in, however, particularly when paper-response-time looms.
Some time ago I broke the school-year anxiety cycle. There are benefits to working a 12 month contract, after all. It can still creep back in, however, particularly when paper-response-time looms.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
"The universe has no edge"
Well vacation was over. I just got back from the last excursion (another camping trip) to the Stansbury mountains a couple of valleys away from SLC to the west. Unlike you might suspect, the Stansbury canyons are quite tree-lined. We stayed in the upper loop near the trail head to Deseret Peak. The rest of vacation was staying as far away as possible from computers and anything that I might associate with work, other than my outburst last Friday, which was just a response to my pent up need for comedy. No I didn't go to Tennessee, but I did manage to adventure myself a good two weeks, and I'm not really going to write about any of it since that's not the point of experiencing it or of this so-called journal.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Recipe of the Day: Grandma Al-Saddiq's All American Tabbouleh!
First you do the dishes:

Well first you open a beer, and then you do the dishes:
(Suggested Music: Lynyrd Skynyrd's Thyrty: 30th Anniversary Collection.)
Next you gather your ingredients and necessary items:
(Right to left: cracked bulgar wheat, ground cumin, garlic, green onions, mint, cucumber, salt, lemon juice (you can squeeze your own if you are one of those east-coast libruls), 2 tomatoes, black pepper (damn what kind of pansy grinds his own black pepper?), parsley and olive oil.)
You'll need a knife, something to cut on, a garlic press (yeah yeah more pansy-ass cooking gear, but it is better than wasting all your time cutting up the shit), a couple of bowls, and a measuring cup. Oh don't forget beer:
Remember beer? Good-old all-American beer! How could we forget it?!

It is best to wrap yourself in the flag while making this recipe, to fend off any attacks that you are a secret Islamicist. The stars and bars would be best, but Old Glory will do in a pinch.
So here goes:
Mix 1 cup of water with 1 cup of the bulgar wheat. Let is soak for 30 minutes or so:

While your waiting for the bulgar to soak, catch up on your Weekly World News:

Next chop the living Jebus out of scritch-load of parsley (2 bunches is a scritch-load)

and a bunch of mint (about a half cup)

and 3 green onions

and 2 tomatoes

and a cucumber

Bust out that wimpy-ass garlic press and crush-up 3 cloves of garlic
(Ignore any Tabbouleh recipe that does not include garlic. Such recipes hate our freedom.)
You can put the garlic in with the olive oil (1/4 cup) and the lemon juice (also 1/4 cup):
Pour (American) or grind (French) in around 1/2 teaspoon pepper. You can use less if you are anti-American:
Ok, so I'm part French. Mierde!
Salt it up! Real Americans use 1 tsp or more of salt. Pinkos use 1/2 teaspoon or less:

Now the crowning glory--cumin. I know it smells like B.O. but once it is mixed in, it just smells like, well ok B.O:

Once the bulgar has soaked, dump in all that shit you cut up and poured out then mix it together:

Here's what the final product pretty much looks like:

Serve with beer and bacon-cheese burgers.
Well first you open a beer, and then you do the dishes:
Next you gather your ingredients and necessary items:
You'll need a knife, something to cut on, a garlic press (yeah yeah more pansy-ass cooking gear, but it is better than wasting all your time cutting up the shit), a couple of bowls, and a measuring cup. Oh don't forget beer:
It is best to wrap yourself in the flag while making this recipe, to fend off any attacks that you are a secret Islamicist. The stars and bars would be best, but Old Glory will do in a pinch.
So here goes:
Mix 1 cup of water with 1 cup of the bulgar wheat. Let is soak for 30 minutes or so:
While your waiting for the bulgar to soak, catch up on your Weekly World News:
Next chop the living Jebus out of scritch-load of parsley (2 bunches is a scritch-load)
and a bunch of mint (about a half cup)
and 3 green onions
and 2 tomatoes
and a cucumber
Bust out that wimpy-ass garlic press and crush-up 3 cloves of garlic
You can put the garlic in with the olive oil (1/4 cup) and the lemon juice (also 1/4 cup):
Pour (American) or grind (French) in around 1/2 teaspoon pepper. You can use less if you are anti-American:
Salt it up! Real Americans use 1 tsp or more of salt. Pinkos use 1/2 teaspoon or less:
Now the crowning glory--cumin. I know it smells like B.O. but once it is mixed in, it just smells like, well ok B.O:
Once the bulgar has soaked, dump in all that shit you cut up and poured out then mix it together:
Here's what the final product pretty much looks like:
Serve with beer and bacon-cheese burgers.
Life in the barn was very good
"Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both" (E.B. White, Charlotte's Web 184.)
A fellow of infinite jest
I have a new study/music conservatory/hideout. This is me in my typical blogging garb:
Check out more pictures at the usual place.
Rules of Safe Life Handling for Emily Dickinson
- Always wear proper eye, face and ear protection especially designed to protect life.
- Never shoot a person who is not wearing proper protection.
- Treat every life as if it were loaded.
- Never look down the barrel of life.
- Never point life at anything you don't wish to shoot.
- Keep life on safe until ready to shoot.
- Store life unloaded in a locked place.
- Follow warning listed on life source for handing and storage.
- Do not shoot fragile objects such as windows.
- Life may cause staining of some pourous surfaces such as brick, stucco and wood.
- Always measure velocity before playing life.
- Never engage in vandalism.
- Do no use life for drive-by shooting.
- Do not modify your life in any way.
This is just to say--a relationship described for Mid-B and Lis
This is just to say
I have used all the
Fancy towels
That you were probably
Saving for guest
Forgive me
They were so soft
And comforting
This is just to say
That I drank
All the gin that was
In the Freezer
Forgive me
Since you were probably
Saving it for
Happier times
This is just to say
I have eaten all the
Words that were in
The dictionary
That you were probably
Going to use in a poem
Forgive me
They were so
Taught and useful
This is just to say
I have waited all night long
For you to answer
My calls
Forgive my loss of tears
It was so pointless
And empty
This is just to say
I have sold the
William Carlos Williams
You were probably saving
For future investment
Forgive me
It was so lucrative
And sweet
This is just to say
I have lost all motivation
Forgive me
Oh fuck it.
This is just to say
You will be hearing
From my lawyer in
The morning
Forgive me,
But she was so
And kind.
I have used all the
Fancy towels
That you were probably
Saving for guest
Forgive me
They were so soft
And comforting
This is just to say
That I drank
All the gin that was
In the Freezer
Forgive me
Since you were probably
Saving it for
Happier times
This is just to say
I have eaten all the
Words that were in
The dictionary
That you were probably
Going to use in a poem
Forgive me
They were so
Taught and useful
This is just to say
I have waited all night long
For you to answer
My calls
Forgive my loss of tears
It was so pointless
And empty
This is just to say
I have sold the
William Carlos Williams
You were probably saving
For future investment
Forgive me
It was so lucrative
And sweet
This is just to say
I have lost all motivation
Forgive me
Oh fuck it.
This is just to say
You will be hearing
From my lawyer in
The morning
Forgive me,
But she was so
And kind.
3 things from a suburban summer morning
1) The quiet moan of lawnmowers.
2) Vacant front porches--all but one.
3) Cyclists being ignored by car drivers.
2) Vacant front porches--all but one.
3) Cyclists being ignored by car drivers.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Fixed and waiting to be surprised
"'My, my. A body does get around. here we aint been coming from Alabama but two months, and now it's already Tennessee" (William Faulkner, Light in August, 480).
Friday, August 12, 2005
A scene from the road
A boy stands at the small-town coffee shop counter. He is on the verge of asking out the barista. She wears a tight fitting black AC/DC tee shirt with hip huggers and a Maltese cross belt. The tee shirt emphasizes the curve of her breasts what with the lightning bolt that serves as the slash between AC and DC. Her hair is beautiful and drops enticingly over her eyes rimmed in heavy black eyeliner. She is hot and he has tried his best to flirt with her, but she has been flirting with him better, admiring his tattoo (a lone birch leaf with hockey stick crossed behind it.) You can tell he is on the verge of asking her out because of his sideways glances to see if anyone is watching and whether, more importantly, she is watching him. He fumbles his money onto the counter and momentarily their hands meet as they both reach for the money at the same time.
Summer Vacation 1929: Part the first--Sultry India!
"A rainbow of color, some girlst perform a folk dance in the streets of a village. They slap their sticks and jangle their golden bracelets to
Next destination: the forbidden land of Tibet!
(Lands and Peoples: The World in Color, Volume IV: Southern Asia and the Far East. New York: The Grolier Society, 1929.)
Friday, August 05, 2005
But can you imagine the beholder?
I've officially found the world's ugliest chair:

The aquatically-themed chair is on some giant plaster base with satinesque orangio-pink and cyan fabric. The print is of a pond with fish and other plants. The arm rests you see are cranes who are spearing fish:
The monstrosity is so shit-monkey ugly that words fail me. The best part of the deal, however, is that it is part of a complete set: another chair, a table, and a sofa. Imagine the people who originally bought this--their shear joy in the knowledge that they were owners of pure ugly.
Ah I wish that were true. "Oh Evelina!" I can imagine the bored 60s housefrau on the phone to an equally bored Weight Watchers friend. "You've simply got to come see the beautiful living room set LaDell bought me for our anniversary! It goes perfectly with that orange swag lamp you saw at S&H Green Stamps!"
I'd buy the set to put it out of its misery by blasting holes in it with a shotgun out in the desert, but I bet second-hand store owners would want more than 10 bucks for it.
If you are in the SLC crew, go down and look at it. It exists between 6th and 7th South on State.
The aquatically-themed chair is on some giant plaster base with satinesque orangio-pink and cyan fabric. The print is of a pond with fish and other plants. The arm rests you see are cranes who are spearing fish:
Ah I wish that were true. "Oh Evelina!" I can imagine the bored 60s housefrau on the phone to an equally bored Weight Watchers friend. "You've simply got to come see the beautiful living room set LaDell bought me for our anniversary! It goes perfectly with that orange swag lamp you saw at S&H Green Stamps!"
I'd buy the set to put it out of its misery by blasting holes in it with a shotgun out in the desert, but I bet second-hand store owners would want more than 10 bucks for it.
If you are in the SLC crew, go down and look at it. It exists between 6th and 7th South on State.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
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