Monday, July 18, 2005


Oh the reason I removed my picture from this thing and took on a nick name is that I've become manically paranoid about what I write here due to certain professional commitments I have made over the last year. It is not that I am ashamed of anything I write here (well I am a bit ashamed of my propensity to swear like a Croatian sailor) but I somehow don't really want this representation of me connected with a professional representation of me. I know that is goofy, very unmodern, and very unhip, but I guess I'm not being paranoid, just rhetorically sensitive.

So for now I will be theorris of the angry sun and leave it at that. It gives me a bit of peace of mind, somehow.


  1. I didn't know you could speak Croatian.

  2. I don't. Croatians don't even. They speak Serbo-Croatian.

  3. It's like you're a double agent. Cool.

  4. You know what--screw it. My "rhetorical thinking" is just paranoia. Something about writing that musical history has made me petulant again.
